Apply for a grant now

Application Form

To apply for an energy saving grant you must be in receipt of a qualifying benefit or qualify under your local council’s Flexible Eligibility Scheme (LA Flex).

Complete the application form below and we will contact you to verify that you will qualify for an ECO3 grant whether through benefits or the LA Flex scheme.

For ECO3, the range of qualifying benefits has been widened. The full range of qualifying benefits are listed below.

Universal Credit
Child Tax Credit
Working Tax Credit
Child Benefit
Pension Guarantee Credit
Income Support
Personal Independent Payment
Income based Job Seekers Allowance
Income based ESA
Attendance Allowance
Carer’s Allowance
Severe Disablement Allowance
War Pensions Mobility Supplement
Constant Attendance Allowance
Armed Forces Independence Payment
Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefits
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